Radiance to the World!


Wow! This is amazing… that there could be one million Earth-size planets inside the Sun.  More amazing to me is to know how that person came up with that measurement…

We know the Sun is huge. And it is very hot. They calculate 15 million degrees Celsius of heat radiating from the Sun.  It is unfathomable.

Only one time is it mentioned in the Bible: “radiance”. It is given to “the Son”, Jesus Christ, as a given characteristic. He can’t help but be what God is.

He did say back in the narrations of “the Gospels” that He is the light. So a light’s job is to SHINE… and that He certainly did.  Not only that, but He also made us to shine in this world with one purpose: that the humans around us be attracted to Him, and ultimately adore God.

Many circumstances contributed to the existence of a shining ministry we now call BRILLA♡LIFE. The unique makeup of people of different backgrounds, colors, and experiences were put together by God’s Spirit to impact the masses in Latin America